Thursday, December 23, 2010

IT Help Desk… How May I Assist You?

In the middle of summer, I headed east for business which included a stop-over in Chicago. Living in Southern California for a couple of years had erased the memory of sticky-hot summers but as soon as I stepped onto the jetway, the humidity immediately hit me- and my hair. See, my hair is a finely calibrated psychrometer, and judging by the frizz level that day- there was enough water vapor in the air to take a shower. To make matters worse, my laptop decided to crap-out (technical term). I shuffled to my next gate and called the company IT help desk.
               As the IT guy worked his magic on my dead-weight Dell, we chatted during the long pauses waiting for signs of digital life. I mentioned that I needed to buy a souvenir hat to cover the mess on my head. IT guy mentioned that when he had long hair, he discovered Moroccan Oil- a cure all for hair woes. The expensive, yet potent hair oil smooths, shines, and repairs all types of hair. I skeptically forked over the $17 for a tiny 1.7 fl.oz. glass bottle and tried it out. This product delivers what it promises. One of the best hair products I have ever tried- I am completely hooked. It is pricey but a little goes a long way. The company has a full line of hair products but if you can only swing the cost of one, choose the original oil treatment.
               Smooth hair AND he got my laptop working. Thank you IT guy.

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